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Service Contract

meet me in the middle

The Celebrant Agrees

1)    To provide Commonwealth Registered Marriage Celebrant services to the Clients in accordance with the
       Code of Practice for Marriage Celebrants (a copy of which is included in the Ceremony Builder and
       Information Booklet provided by the Celebrant).

2)    To attend and conduct the ceremony at the agreed time, date and place.


3)    To advise the Clients as soon as possible if the Celebrant is unable to conduct the ceremony for any
       reason, and to make all reasonable efforts to arrange for the ceremony to be completed by another
       registered marriage celebrant.


4)    If the Celebrant is unable to perform the ceremony due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances:
           a) to refund to the Clients a negotiated amount or compensate the replacement celebrant, whichever is
               appropriate, and
           b) to pass the Notice of Intended Marriage to the replacement marriage celebrant, in a timely and
               appropriate manner.

5)    To incur the costs for alternative arrangements (e.g. taxi) if the Celebrant experiences problems on her
       way to the wedding (e.g. traffic jam, flat tyre, car accident), in order to arrive at the venue 20 minutes
       prior to the ceremony.

The Clients Agree:

6)    To complete and provide Bel Nation a Notice of Intended Marriage within the time frame required by law.
       Provide Bel Nation with all original documentation requested no less than fourteen (14) days before the
       Ceremony Date including any accredited translation documentation requested by Bel Nation. If the Couple
       fail to provide all requested documentation to Bel Nation within the specified time frame, Bel Nation is
       under no obligation to provide the Services and may cancel the Contract. In these circumstances, the
       Couple will forfeit all monies paid to Bel Nation.

7)    Communicate all of their expectations to Bel Nation regarding the Ceremony no later than twenty-one
       (21) days before the Ceremony Date. If the Couple fail to provide any such details to Bel Nation within the
       specified time frame, all decisions regarding the content of the Ceremony will be left to the sole discretion
       of the Celebrant. THIS INCLUDES: Personal Vows and any Readings/Poems the couple wish to include.

8)    To pay the Celebrant’s fee in accordance with the Fee Schedule, namely:
          a) the non-refundable booking fee of the first invoice due within 7 days of confirming booking, and
          b) the balance of fee's due no less than one calendar month prior to the wedding date
          c) Fee's to be paid either via direct deposit to the celebrant's nominated bank account, or via credit card                in which you may incur an additional processing fee. 

NOTE: If full payment has not been made to the Celebrant in accordance with these terms then the
Celebrant will not attend or conduct the ceremony.


9)    That they have booked the Celebrant for a particular date, time and location, and to advise the
       Celebrant immediately in writing of any change to the date, time or place of the ceremony.

10)   If the date and/or time of the ceremony is changed, the booking fee will be held over to the new date or
        time, and the current Fee Schedule will stand, so long as:
         a) the new date and/or time is within 12 months of the original date AND
         b) the Celebrant is available for the new date and/or time.
         c) and the date has only been rescheduled once. More than one reschedule and the celebrant reserves
             the right to either terminate the contract, voiding any monies paid or increase the fee in line with the
             current fee schedule at the time of postponement.


11)   If the location of the ceremony is changed, the Celebrant reserves the right to review the Fee Schedule
       and charge an additional travel fee if applicable.


12)   In the event that the Celebrant is unable to conduct the ceremony due to the change in date, time or
        location of the ceremony, the Celebrant reserves the right to terminate the agreement and,
          a) retain the non-refundable booking fee, and
          b) if the change is post-rehearsal, the Celebrant reserves the right to retain or charge an additional $20
              paperwork expense fee.


NOTE: If the change is made on the wedding day and the Celebrant cannot accommodate the change, no
monies will be refunded.


13)   If the ceremony is cancelled by the Clients:
          a) less than two months before the ceremony date, no monies will be refunded.
          b) more than two months before the ceremony date, all monies paid will be refunded within five (5)
              business days except for:
              i) the non-refundable booking fee.

14)   The Celebrant has explained, and they understand, the legal requirements for entering into a valid
        marriage, and they agree to comply with their obligations as requested by the Celebrant.


15)   To provide the Celebrant with accurate information, and acknowledge that the penalty for making a false
       declaration is four years' imprisonment.


16)   If the Celebrant is unable to perform the ceremony and a replacement celebrant is arranged all original
       documents must also be sighted by the replacement celebrant prior to the ceremony. This includes
       passports, birth certificates and if applicable proof of how last marriage was terminated.


17)   As an Occupational Health and Safety measure, the Celebrant may, in her absolute discretion, wear a hat
        or other appropriate personal protective apparel or use personal protective devices, before, during and
        after the ceremony.


18)   Where the Celebrant considers that prevailing weather conditions such as extreme heat, fire, flood or
        storm in the vicinity of, or en route to, the proposed ceremony, pose a threat to herself, her equipment
        and / or her motor vehicle, she reserves the right to move, delay or not attend the ceremony until such
        threat has passed or been averted. Every reasonable attempt will be made to attend and conduct the
        ceremony and remedial action may simply be detouring around the threat or providing shade for the
        wedding party and celebrant.


19)   If the ceremony is to be changed to the alternative venue due to inclement weather, one of the Clients will
        inform the Celebrant personally by telephone (not via email or text message), no less than three (3) hours
        prior to the ceremony to ensure the Celebrant has sufficient time to travel to the alternative venue.


20)   The Celebrant will take any steps she considers necessary to protect equipment, documents and
        certificates if there is any risk of damage by rain or inclement weather or other situation.


21)   The use of the Celebrant’s PA system is subject to favourable weather conditions and will not be used in
        any circumstances where the unit may be exposed to harm by persons or the elements. Judgement to be
        made at the Celebrant’s sole discretion.


22)   Where the Celebrant's PA system is used:
          a) if it is damaged through no fault of the Celebrant e.g. microphone dropped by either the couple or                      guest performing a reading, the Clients will be responsible for and pay all associated costs involved in                fixing or replacing the damaged item.
          b) the Celebrant undertakes to use her best endeavours to ensure that the PA is fully charged, functional
              and tested prior to the ceremony. However, the Clients acknowledge that inanimate equipment may
              malfunction from time to time and should the PA fail at any time prior to, during or after the
              ceremony, through no fault of the Celebrant, the Celebrant will not be held responsible.


23)   If either of the Clients has not arrived by 30 minutes after the agreed start time, or if the ceremony cannot
        proceed for any reason outside the Celebrant's control, the Celebrant reserves the right to leave the place
        of the ceremony without conducting the ceremony.


24)   In the event of the above occurrence (23), the Clients will liaise with the Celebrant to mutually agree on a
        later time and place for the Celebrant to solemnise the marriage for an extra fee, payable in advance.


25)   In the event of the above occurrence (23), if the Celebrant remains at the venue and solemnises the
        marriage, the Clients agree to pay an additional $100 for every 30 minutes' delay.


26)   If the ceremony is delayed through no fault of the Celebrant, which results in the Celebrant incurring extra
        charges such as parking fines, the Client’s will pay the Celebrant’s further costs.


27)   The Celebrant accepts no liability for the late start of a ceremony due to the late arrival of any of the
        Clients, their attendants or guests.


28)   The Celebrant takes no responsibility for damage to property, personal injury or disruptive behaviour of
        children/guests/the public prior to, during or after the ceremony. The supervision of children attending
        the ceremony is a matter for the parent/s or carer/s of the children in question. The behaviour of adult
        guests is the Clients' responsibility.


29)   The Celebrant accepts no liability for the dissatisfaction of clients where the quality of the ceremony is
        diminished due to disruptions resulting from the behaviour of children, adult guests, wildlife and         

        environmental factors such as temperature or rain/hail/snow.

30)   To advise the Celebrant as soon as practicable if either of them is taking prescribed medication which may
        change their demeanour on their wedding day.


31)   That:
          a) they will not arrive at the ceremony appearing to be inebriated or under the influence of any other
          b) judgement as to inebriation of the Clients being under the influence of alcohol or any other substance
              is at the Celebrant’s sole discretion.


NOTE: The Celebrant is not lawfully authorised to solemnise the marriage under these circumstances.

32)   To nominate two official witnesses aged 18 years or over, who understand English and who appear sober     

        and not under the influence of any other substance, at the sole judgement of the Celebrant, otherwise     

        alternative official witnesses must be used.

33)   It is the Clients' responsibility to meet the costs of all purchases made by the Celebrant of items required
        for the ceremony e.g. items for symbolic rituals.


34)   The Celebrant may use photos from the ceremony and testimonials in promotional material, on her
        website and social media pages, and in other marketing collateral/websites.


Ceremony Script

Drafts of ceremony script are not provided to the client. If you wish to receive a copy after the ceremony has
been conducted please let Bel Nation know.

CONTRACT agreement

Party 1

Party 2

ceremony details

02:30 PM

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